Divine Words Secret to Ashura Uprising’s Permanence

12:06 - September 18, 2023
News ID: 3485213
TEHRAN (IQNA) – Imam Hussein (AS) upheld divine words with his uprising and rose up with those divine words, which is the secret to the permanence of Ashura.

Day of Ashura


This is according to religious scholar Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini, speaking about the Ashura event. Following ae excerpts from his remarks:

“I bear witness that verily you have invited people to God, and His Prophet (PBUH) and fulfilled your pledge to God and rose up for the sake of God with His words.” (Ziyarah of Imam Hussein (AS))

The words of this Ziyarah are so meaningful that a few sessions are not enough to talk about them. But I only highlight a few points here.

All Infallible Imams (AS) rose up and are known as Qaem. All Imams rose up. Imam Hassan (AS) too led an uprising. His entire Imamate was an uprising.

So all Imams were Qaem and rose up to uphold some things. What are those things? One is guiding people at the order of God. Basically, the position of Imam is Qiyam, that is, rising up and upholding.

In the above-mentioned Ziyarah, we read: You rose up for the sake of God with the words of God. What are the words of God that Imam (AS) has upheld?

One of them is the Holy Quran. Another is the word with which God tested Abraham (AS) and after his successfully pass it, God gave him the status of Imamate.

“And when Abraham was tested by His Lord with certain words and he fulfilled them, He said: ‘I have appointed you as a leader for the nation.’” (Verse 124 of Surah Al-Baqarah)

When the Zuhur (reappearance of the Savior) takes place, we may be able to find out what those words are.

So the words with which Imam Hussein (AS) led his movement are the ones with which Abraham (AS) reached the status of Imamate. And what happened later to Abraham is related to this point.

Anther meaning of this phrase in the Ziyarah is that God has given you a power through His words.

Hazrat Zaynab (SA) saw these words that she said she saw nothing but beauty in Karbala.

Thank God, Hazrat Zaybab (SA) made this remark so that we realize Karbala was not just suffering and tragedy.

What we see in Karbala is just the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) and his 72 companions. The battles of Uhud, Khaybar, etc, were important but none of them were like Karbala. Why? Because it was a day when Imam Hussein (AS) rose up with the words of God.

Ashura was one day and Karbala was one place but that day and that place will continue to exist until the day of Zuhur and then maybe we would know more about the secrets of Karbala and Ashura.





